timeout - definition. What is timeout
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Time-out; Timeout; Timeouts; Time-outs; Time Out (film); Time out (film); TimeOut; Time Out; Time out (disambiguation)

  • CONFIG.SYS}} on startup
n. to take (a) timeout for
  • CONFIG.SYS}} on startup
Computing a cancellation or cessation that automatically occurs when a predefined interval of time has passed.
a brief break from play in a game or sport.
  • CONFIG.SYS}} on startup
A period of time after which an error condition is raised if some event has not occured. A common example is sending a message. If the receiver does not acknowledge the message within some preset timeout period, a transmission error is assumed to have occured. (1995-11-09)


Time out

Time-out, Time Out, or timeout may refer to:

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. In the 21st century, a timeout from trade would be a timeout from growth, a timeout from jobs and a timeout from good results." Although the president did not name Clinton or Obama in his speech, he left little doubt about whom he had in mind.
2. So the case for a foreign policy timeout seems plausible.
3. He took a precautionary medical timeout in the second set.
4. On Saturday, Ilyumzhinov announced a timeout between the players.
5. "Put her in timeout," another volunteer declares, while someone else appears, proffering a turkey sandwich.